This is for the sacred disruptors and courageously authentic who must challenge; who must speak up; who must make the pioneering journey to the truth.
Your woundedness is but a tiny part of you in an infinite sea of love itself. A choice - choose wisely.
We have a dual nature - one is trying to keep us safe, the other is trying to birth our true nature. It's time for the fearful one to rest. I've got this.
was floating like a leaf on the riverbed in Ganguddy when this poem came through me. It's a message for all of us. We got everything we asked for. We just have to remember.
I must let you and your expectations go so I can live.
Love can touch us at any time, not of the romantic kind - love that deeply touches us in simple moments is the only kind of love that can save humanity before it turns completely on itself.
Thank you for returning me to the root of the root of myself.
The greatest travesty of the power imbalances in families, communities, and workplaces is the lack of deep listening. Those in power do most of the talking because they are full of the distorted beliefs that what they have to say is wiser than those lower in the hierarchy. Shhh, listen.
Nature always brings me back to my true nature. Yet, I want it to last a little longer; to linger a little longer inside of me.